祛湿茶 Qu Shi Cha (Dampness Removal Tea)

Shānyào, qiànshí, fúlíng, chénpí, chìxiǎodòu, zhōngguó yìmǐ, liánzǐ, hé yè, zhī zi, hóngzǎo

Strengthen the spleen, clear heat and dampness.


  • Promote liver detoxification function;
  • Reduce the effect of hangover (i.e. a severe headache or other after-effects caused by drinking an excess of alcohol).
  • Relieve mouth sores, irritability, cough, wheezing, sore throat due to body heat
  • Promote removal of body dampness;
  • Therapeutic effect for edema, eczema, indigestion and constipation.

2.Reactions may appear after drinking the tea:

  • Diarrhea / Loose stool. Dampness is removed from the body through bowel.
  • Farts more often. It indicates that there are redundant food residue in the intestines.
  • Bloated. It indicates that there is more turbidity in the body。
  • Mild constipation. It indicates that the body contains very little probiotics, and the intestines are dry.
  • Heavy / reduced menstrual flow. It indicates that the endocrine system is not balanced. Continue the tea.

3. Body dampness / water retention will be excreted through different ways depends on individual’s body condition.

  • Urine color is darker
  • Diarrhea
  • Acne on face, head or back
  • Few people might have rashes

4.Diarrhea after drinking the tea is different from diarrhea caused by food poisoning.

4.1 Diarrhea caused by food poisoning:

There is usually bad abdominal pain with watery stool. It passes four or five times in the morning.

4.2 Diarrhea after drinking this tea:

The stool is soft and sticky, and generally does not have abdominal pain. It is also normal to have diarrhea four or five times a day, but there is no significant pain.

5. Ways of body dampness / water retention removal:

  • Sweat
  • Urine
  • Frequent bowel open or loose stool
  • Skin changes (e.g. acne or eczema)

6. Cautions about drinking this tea:

  • NOT suitable when having colds.
  • NOT suitable during menstruation.
  • NOT suitable for Children under 5 years old or severely ill (e.g. cancer patients).
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women need to consult TCM Physician before purchasing.

7. Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why sometimes I feel extremely thirsty or taste bitterness in the mouth regardless of plenty of water intake?

A: It could be due to mental stress, insomnia / go to bed late or take too much spicy / heaty diet.

Q: Why constipation?

A: This could be due to dry / heaty intestines. Suggest to drink plenty of water while drinking this tea.

Q: Why diarrhea?

A: This could be due to hot and humid intestines. After taking this tea,your body start to excrete the dampness and heat through bowel open.

Q: Why nausea?

A: This could due to spleen deficiency / poor digestion. Suggest to take this tea with added black sugar & red dates.

Instruction of preparing Qu Shi Cha Tea:

1. Put the Qu Shi Cha tea bag in a teapot.
2.Put hot water and let the tea bag soak for awhile (e.g. 20 minutes).
3.Enjoy the tea.
4.Top up hot water as needed.
5.One Qu Shi Cha tea bag per day.
6.You can drink one tea packet for the whole day by topping up hot water.

祛湿茶 Qu shi cha (Dampness Removal Tea)




  • 促进肝脏排毒功能;
  • 解酒;
  • 缓解因上火导致的口舌生疮,心烦气躁,咳嗽,气喘,咽喉肿痛等;
  • 促进体内湿气的排出;
  • 对于水肿、湿疹、消化不良和便秘有较好的疗效

2. 喝祛湿茶茶后的几种反应

  • 第一种:大便烂,说明肠道有害细菌多,湿气大,脾胃不好,排湿气。
  • 第二种:放屁多,说明肠道废气多;
  • 第三种:肚子胀,说明体内浊气多;
  • 第四种:不排便,说明肠道益生菌含量极少,肠干;
  • 第五种:月经量反复,说明内分泌失调,要坚持哦!

3. 身体的湿气会因个人体质不同,而通过不同方式排出体外。

  • 尿黄
  • 大便烂
  • 头面部、背部长痘痘
  • 少数人手脚起疹子

4. 喝了祛湿茶的大便烂,和食物中毒后的腹泻感觉是不一样的。

4.1 吃坏肚子:


4.2 祛湿茶的大便烂:


5. 湿气的排出有几种方式

  • 发汗
  • 小便
  • 大便
  • 通过皮肤表面排出,如长痘,湿疹

6. 服用祛湿茶注意事项

  • 感冒、月经生理期不适合服用。
  • 5岁以下的儿童或重疾(癌症病人)不适合服用。
  • 孕妇与哺乳期妇女购买前需咨询中医师。

7. 常见原因与建议

  • 口干口苦的原因: 熬夜,吃辛辣致肝火,胃火旺盛,喝茶调理肝肾病灶;
  • 便秘的原因: 肠道燥热,喝茶的同时大量喝水;
  • 腹泻的原因:肠道湿热,排出废水与废气;
  • 恶心口淡的原因: 脾虚,红糖、大枣一起泡,祛湿健脾。